Change Management and Transformation The real challenge in developing a new strategy or organization is its implementation. We pick people up where they are and show them viable paths along which we accompany them. We also ensure that the people involved get the support they need and develop the necessary skills. Our approach ensures that those affected understand and actively support the changes. In order to effectively implement your requirements in reality, we - my colleagues and I - use a very flexible approach. This is based on close collaboration with the impacted managers, targeted interventions in the teams, and classic and dialogic communication. The use of collaboration forms of interactions between the project team and the members of the management, are another important factor of our approach. e.g. the participation in workshops in the form of "fishbowl" instead of the classic steering committee meetings.. Our interventions do not only focus on the "hard" facts of change (processes, structures), but also integrate the important elements of culture change, coaching and training of participants. This combination of hard and soft factors within one intervention enables the affected managers to better understand the uncertainties and conflicts inherent in the change and to deal with them in a strengthened way. Our change management services From the very beginning, we support management and executives with our conceptual knowledge and develop the overall architecture of the change process. We steer the overall process. We design the communication. We ensure a high level of participation at all levels of implementation and thus effectively reduce resistance. We accompany change with pragmatism and guide projects through critical phases, actively and on the spot. We identify the critical issues and areas and develop solution- oriented measures to address them. We implement "benefit tracking" processes to ensure the economic goals of the change. Thus, for a successful implementation, we deisgn individual options that integrate content and human aspects (hard and sopft factors) We structure and moderate key events (board and management, large group events, etc.). We structure and moderate topic- or team-related workshops, supported by methodological and content expertise. We conduct training and coaching for change teams, executives and project participants. We practice active conflict management and moderate conflict workshops. We implement feedback processes in order to capture the current mindset in the organization and to follow up with necessary changes.
On the topic change management Pierre Frot and Jochen Peter Breuer: „Das emotionale Unternehmen“ („The emotional corporation“) 2nd edition,, Gabler Verlag